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Useful Spanish Phrases

Spanish is spoken in Argentina, Boliva, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador,
El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Spain,
Uruguay and Venezuela.

Phrase Translation Pronounciation
Hola Hello o-la
Cómo está? How are you? coh-mo es-tarh
Buenos días Good morning bu-en-nose di-as
Buenas tardes Good afternoon bu-en-nas taarr-day
Buenas noches Good night bu-en-nas-not-chez
Adiós Goodbye a-di-ohs
Hasta luego See you later as-ta-lu-er-go
Gracias Thank you gla-ci-as
Si Yes see
No No no
Por favor Please por-fah-vor
Lo siento I'm sorry lo-si-en-toe
Dónde está el baño? Where is the bathroom? don-day-es-tah-el-ban-nyo
No entiendo español I don't understand Spanish no en-ti-en-doe es-pan-nyo
Mierda Shit mi-air-da
Me llamo ... My name is ... may ya-moe ...
Te amo I love you te ki-air-ro
Uno One uoo-no
Dos Two dos
Tres Three trez
Cuatro Four qua-tro
Cinco Five sink-ko
Seis Six seeze
Siete Seven see-at-te
Ocho Eight odd-cho
Nueve Nine nu-ab-baid
Diez Ten di-as
Cien One hundred see-en