Basic Information:
Official Name: Republic of CubaPopulation: 11,167,325
Area: 110,860 km2
Capital City: Havana
Major Religion: Roman Catholic
Currency: Cuban peso (CUP)
Exchange Rate: N/A
Tourists use the Convertible pesos (CUC), which has the same exchange rate as USD.
Time Zone: GMT -6
Current time: 01:02am
Phone Country Dialing Code: 53
Region: Caribbean
Language: Spanish
Useful Travel Phrases in: Spanish
Climate ():
Practical Travel Information:
Official Tourism Website: 110V
Electrical Socket:
Type A
Type B
Type C
Type L
Travel Cost: $$ ($ = cheap, $$$$$ = expensive)
Main Attractions:
- Old Havana
- Che Guevara Monument, Santa Clara
- Varadero Beach Resorts
Health Advisory: