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Basic Information:

Official Name: United States of America
Population: 317,559,000
Area: 9,626,630 km2
Capital City: Washington DC
Major Religion: Christianity
Currency: US dollar (USD)
Time Zone: USA has more than one time zone.
Current time: 08:57pm
Phone Country Dialing Code: 1
Region: North America
Language: English

Climate ():

Practical Travel Information:

Official Tourism Website: N/A
Electricity: 110V
Electrical Socket:

Type A

Type B

Travel Cost: $$$$$ ($ = cheap, $$$$$ = expensive)
Main Attractions:
  • Statue of Liberty
  • The White House in Washington DC
  • Grand Canyon National Park
  • Mount Rushmore National Memorial

Health Advisory:None

United States of America is divided into fifty states, one district and several territories. Each state is responsible for promoting their own tourism industry.